~90 min
Very important to read everything and understand before booking.
Studio location:
Studio is located @
**** S. Hereford ln.
Philadelphia PA 19114
Exact address will be emailed to you after booking. By appointment ONLY no walk in.
It a regular house, but converted to my happy place, I don’t live at that location.
Look in side the STUDIO
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My availability ( if you find availability click on the spot, fill out the questioner and book your session)
Backgrounds I offer
I have verity Of different background/set, you can choose Max 3 set/background.
If parents are planing to take photos, it will be simple white or cream background
*** NOTE ***most of the sets are backgrounds , meaning all the props and balloons are printed on the fabric 🙂 They may look so realistic I know:) I do add couple real props to make it even more realistic and believable.
Some of the sets are real and i will note that.
Do my studio offer outfit for your child ?
I do have outfit in the studio for you to use! I do take good care of them, and wash them after every use! or sanitize it under UV light.
You are welcome to bring your own outfits!
Here are the outfits that I have
More outfits are coming soon!
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Who bring the cake? You don’t have to do cake smash during this session it an option , lots of parent up out of that mess and just do regular session to Celebrate this big milestone)
For the Full session have the parent purchase the cake . You can preorder at giant , acme , whole food or your favorite Bakery
some stores offer free cake for 1 year old babies.
Best size: double layer 6 inches round. ( whipped icing if possible ,Fondant cake is hard to break for your baby.
If you like to go big with a cake max 10 inch in width
Vanilla cake only (not chocolate). some times chocolate may look like poop 🙂
*please take in to considerations your child allergies.
I can pick up and order cake for $40 extra
**I want to let you know , that cake smash can be a huge mess! Everyone may be dirty, I am taking about me, my camera , mom ,whoever is helping , the baby and the studio all can be in the cake 🙂 . so bring cloth for your self that you are ok to get dirty.
*** Lots of babies are not a big fan of cake, ( it a new texture for them , it so sweet for them , some babies get scared of the cake, some babies don’t like being dirty…… so just LOVE the cake! so you know your child best! If you really want your child to Enjoy the process , you can practice couple week before the session (giving baby to taste the cake and touch the cake) it just a tip. Or you can just bring the cake and we will find out , what your baby likes.
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Payment: The payment is due after the session. Cash, Check, Venmo ,PayPal or cash app.
I do not take actual credit cards. but you can run your credit card through the options that I gave you above.
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When is the Best time to book for this stage? if you are planing to use the photos for a birthday party please book 3 weeks in advance of the event .and very important to book right after the nap time. (mornings) also don’t book close to babies nap time. babies get tires during the session. woking close to nap time, we might lose the baby half way during the session:(
I can be a little flexible with time ,-+ 30-40 min. ( but e adjust the time couple days before the session…..)
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Proofs: You will see your proofs photos from the session with in 48 hours. I will send you a link with all the good photos that we took during your session. ( the proofs will have my big logo across the photos. You Final photos will NOT have logo on them
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When will I receive the Finals photos : The turn around time is up to 2 weeks after you submitted your favorite photos.
*note not 2 weeks from your session date, 2 weeks after you submitted your favorite photos.
If you like to rush your order, there is extra fee for that.
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How will I receive the photos: After I am done with editing, I will email you a link where you can download your photos to your phone or your computer. The photos will be high resolution files. You are welcome to print the photos your self. Printing instruction will be attached to that email as well.
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Don’t forget to bring
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Business hours
Monday-Friday form 10 a.m.-6 p.m.
Saturday from 11 a.m.- 3 p.m.
Sunday -CLOSED!
* Best way to reach me is email. If you email after my working hours I will respond on my working hours.
If needed we can schedule a phone call….
Any other questions that I didn’t cover feel free to email me : lubasphotography@gmail.com
thank you!
***If you have a specific theme in mind let me know that… I will see if can find a background for your theme… (request this at least 1 month prior to your photo session.)