I will have comfortable temperature in the studio for your baby . 82 degree It may be uncomfortable for adults who is wearing warm cloth. ( dress accordantly)
Please put your baby in the clothes that will be easy to take off. Most likely baby will fall asleep in the carseat ,
all I will do is gently take off the cloth and start taking photos.
If the weather is cold outside.
Using couple blankets on top of the baby will keep the baby warm.( so you don’t have to wear lots of layer of cloth.
1.Food for the baby
DefinitelyI ask that mom bring bottle breast milk if there are Ok with that , if you’re not making a lot of milk yet and your ok with formula bring that in! We might not use it but having a back up food for the baby is always a great idea!
*Let’s say we wrap the baby up got everything ready( but the baby is not yet there in the deep sleep, we tap it off with a little bit of bottled milk in the prop or a pose, and continue posing.
If you are not ok will bottled milk please let me know.
Bring Breast pump can be a great idea to bring in!
especially when you get an overflow of the milk.
Bring a pacifier I also call it a Binky:) !!!
That can be a lifesaver!
Now I totally appreciate mom we don’t wanna to use the pacifier.( due to the boob latching conflict)
But pacifier during Photo Session’s makes amore successful photo session most of the time.
If you haven’t introduced the pacifier to your baby yet and you’re OK with the pacifier bring that in!
Lots of diapers 🙂 I say 10 of them 🙂
and wipe that you prefer for the baby.
Please bring a blanket that will be comfortable for the baby between posing
5.Colic Drops
Bring that in is your baby have started to have colic already.
6.Food for Parents
Moms don’t forget that you need to drink a lot of water and snack on good food to produce milk for your baby:) let’s say the session go longer than we expected, just be prepared for that, and bring some yummy food for your self.
I’m totally fine if you’re eating and enjoying your baby while a pose 🙂
( obviously logically after you eat ,make sure you wash your hands, before we touch any props in the studio)
*If you have a toddler, Bring lots of snacks and fun stuff! I do prefer the toddler eats in another room (I have a separate comfortable room for them) because an actual sitting area I have a lot of fun textured backgrounds and props I really don’t want the children to touch it with dirty hands while they are eating.